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Contact a Syracuse Bankruptcy Lawyer

The Firm is managed by Charles E. Andersen, Esq. who has been admitted to the bankruptcy court for the Northern District of New York since 1996.

To discuss your case with a New York bankruptcy lawyer, call our firm today at. You can also schedule your completely confidential and free initial consultation by contacting us online.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.


If you're in serious financial straits, you need a fighter for a lawyer. Creditors can be tough and you need a good lawyer to fight back.

Some people are afraid of bankruptcy. That's why you shouldn't hire a lawyer who's never been in a street fight. To be tough in the courtroom you need to be tough in life.

As an amateur boxer Mr. Andersen says the scariest experience he's ever had was to step into the ring against Leon Spinks in the Golden Gloves championships. It you think bankruptcy is scary, try to imagine that. When it was over to his surprise, He won the fight on a decision

Mr. Andersen has been in countless battles in the courtroom, and he never back's down

Northern District Admission