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Syracuse Business Bankruptcy Lawyer

When most people think of a bankruptcy, they only think of very big Chapter 11 bankruptcies filed by major corporations such as airlines or auto manufacturers. Normally, however, business bankruptcies can be filed by regular small businesses.

Ithaca NY Business Bankruptcy Attorney

The Syracuse Law Group has many years of combined experience in representing business clients in the Area. They advise them as to their options with respect to business debt and how a business bankruptcy can benefit their business. In many cases, the business can continue to operate during the bankruptcy process.

Many times, these businesses are operated as sole proprietorships so there is no difference in personal or business debt. Other times, the business is operated as a corporation (such as an LLC or S Corp.) In this case, the business is very often considered an asset of the person filing for a bankruptcy and may need to be protected in the bankruptcy if the client wishes to continue operating the business after the bankruptcy.

Our firm can advise you with respect to the nature of your debt and how both you and your business can be protected from creditors under the bankruptcy laws.

All of this advice is provided to our firm's clients in the normal routine of business for the Syracuse Law Group. We aim for our firm motto of "Where zero means more". With every case we take, we understand the pressures you are facing, and we know how to help. Our office works with you every step of the way to gather the necessary facts and prepare the paperwork to build a successful bankruptcy case for you and your business allowing for a fresh start.

Contact a Syracuse Business Bankruptcy Attorney

To schedule a confidential and completely free initial consultation with a lawyer from our New York law firm, please call us.. You can also schedule your appointment with us by contacting our firm online.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.