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No Money Down

Why are you hearing about us? Little of no money down bankruptcy can sometimes become the talk of the town in an area such as Syracuse New York where everything is pay as you go or go.

If you are facing foreclosure, repossession, lawsuits, or are just simply tired of being harassed by debt collectors and threatening letters and need peace of mind, we are here to help


Syracuse is an area where consumers are fraught with financial difficulties, and insufficient qualified attorneys willing to work on for a higher cause. With the few attorneys that do handle bankruptcy in Syracuse, many consumers find their services unaffordable. Our "Making Bankruptcy Affordable Program" MBAP allows these people to file a bankruptcy case, while paying little or no upfront attorney fee's

Syracuse consumers are demonstrating frustration. They may have tried debt consolidations, repayment plans and mortgage modifications. In short, they have left no stone unturned in a search for a better job, a new career and debt relief that will help them make ends meet. But often, our prospective bankruptcy clients come to us feeling guilty about what they are considering. It's only those who benefit from their not filling for bankruptcy that have fostered these feelings, Filing for bankruptcy is a right guaranteed to us by the Federal Government.  Our initial consultation goal is to help our Syracuse seekers understand a little about bankruptcy and whether it is a solution that is right for their financial situation.

Ithaca Debt Relief Lawyer

Everyone at our firm takes the firm's motto very seriously: "Where zero means more." Even though a client may walk into our office with little more than the clothes on his back and not enough money to hire an attorney, he is just as important to us as anyone else. If his problem is caused by overwhelming debt, he still has a winning hand to play. Our firm understands the needs of our clients and we offer a positive approach in accomplishing our clients' goals. Where other people see an ending and a negative experience, our firm sees your new beginning. We consider bankruptcy the first step you are taking toward building your new, healthy financial future. We take great pride in the job of helping you obtain that new beginning.

Contact a Syracuse Bankruptcy Attorney

For a discreet and entirely confidential free initial bankruptcy consultation with our New York law firm, call Mr. Andersen at 315-604-3702. Mr. Andersen enjoys talking to each prospective client personally before they come down to the office. You can also schedule your appointment with a Chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcy lawyer by contacting us online. We have two offices, both with convenient locations.

The Syracuse office is located in Auburn. The Ithaca office is located in Elmira

It is not necessary to bring documentation to the first appointment. However, if available, it is helpful to bring whatever information you have on hand: tax returns, pay stubs and a list of your debt are all helpful. If you do not have anything with you right now or you do not even know where to start, that's OK. That's why you have us. We take our commitment to personal service seriously. Therefore, we will advise you during your initial consultation as to what materials you will need. We will also provide you with checklists that you can use to keep track of what materials you need to gather.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.


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