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Syracuse Credit Card Debt Lawyer

The Syracuse Law Group has many years of combined experience. In that time, individually, they have seen the entire cycle of the credit card industry play itself out. The standard for granting credit has changed significantly over the last several years. Essentially, lenders provide credit cards to people who they think will generate the most in fees and interest. As a result, more and more people have incurred more and more debt. The cards are designed with hidden fees, terribly high interest rates and buried triggering events to periodically build up the amount owed often making it impossible to pay off the cards.

Get Off the Credit Card Hamster Wheel

Instead of using your precious income to pay an endless series of credit card payments, you can protect yourself, your family and your future. Start saving money for retirement and directing money to your family's healthcare. Perform necessary repairs on your house and pay for your child's education. Bankruptcy can help you accomplish all these things.

Bankruptcy is a legal mechanism provided for in the U.S. Constitution by our Founding Fathers for the express purpose of protecting the American people from greedy banks and the kind of predatory lending that is purposely designed so it cannot be paid off.

Nothing requires you to spend the rest of your life paying off legal loan sharks. Let the Syracuse Law Group help you regain financial independence for yourself and for your loved ones. A Chapter 7 very often eliminates credit card debt entirely and, if you are not eligible for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, a Chapter 13 can very often still eliminate the bulk of it (sometimes even all of it) while spreading any remaining amount owed over the course of a three- to five-year payment plan.

Freedom from Financial Worry is our goal.

Contact an Ithaca Credit Card Debt Attorney

To discuss your credit card debt with a Ithaca debt defense attorney, contact a lawyer from our New York law firm. You can also schedule an appointment with one of our creditor harassment defense lawyers by contacting us online.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.