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Syracuse Stop Foreclosure Lawyer

A bankruptcy proceeding will help stop a foreclosure and give you an opportunity to keep your home. If you have received a notice of foreclosure, then you must act quickly. Call our office to schedule a no-charge initial consultation. A Chapter 13 will allow you to keep your house and restructure the past-due debt into manageable payments. It will also give you a chance to enter into a loan modification agreement with the lender. With the benefit of the bankruptcy, you gain time to assess your options as to whether you wish to keep the house or not.

Stop Foreclosure

The Syracuse Law Group has many years of experience counseling clients regarding their foreclosure options. For many of our firm's clients, Chapter 13 bankruptcy has proven to be a very effective solution. Chapter 13 allows clients to take their past due house payments and roll them into the future Chapter 13 repayment plan installments.

Additionally, as explained on the Lien Stripping page, a Chapter 13 may allow you to eliminate junior mortgages against your home. Thus, a Chapter 13 may enable you not only to save your home from foreclosure now, it may also enable you to afford your home in the future.

Contact an Ithaca New York Foreclosure Defense Attorney

For a discreet and confidential free initial consultation regarding your legal questions, please contact our firm's Syracuse or Ithaca lawyers by calling us. You can also schedule your appointment by contacting us online.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.