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Bankruptcy Law

With years of combined experience, the Syracuse Law Group has provided hope to people throughout the Syracuse Area. Suffering from financial difficulties, unmanageable debt, unemployment, underemployment, burdensome medical debt and taxes, people throughout the Syracuse Area have benefited from the Group's advice concerning bankruptcy and any other number of debt management solutions. As the law firm's motto declares, Mr. Andersen operates his practice so all of his clients experience a feeling of having received something for nothing when they work with his firm.

Mr. Andersen understands that you would like to hire the lawyer of your choice and hopes that he would be that one regardless. However the going rate for bankruptcy services usually ranges between $2000 and $5,000 these days. If you had that kind of bread to blow should you be filing for bankruptcy?

Syracuse Bankruptcy Debt Relief Help Lawyer

The Syracuse Law Group assists clients with legal counsel in the following areas:

Beware of websites offering one-size-fits-all answers to your bankruptcy questions. Bankruptcy is known for the many exceptions to its general rules of law. Our firm constantly updates its legal research so you have the complete information you need on the current state of the law. As a result, you will be making your legal decisions based on the latest information available to you, not on bland legal over-generalizations.

Ithaca NY Bankruptcy Law Attorney

To speak with a lawyer from the Syracuse Law Group , call our New York law firm. and schedule your free initial consultation. You can also contact us online.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.